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Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.

Branded Packaging: A strategy for a stronger brand and increased visibility

Branded packaging is more than just packaging – it is a powerful branding strategy that not only protects your products but also strengthens brand visibility and creates a memorable customer experience. By using the right design and technology, you can make your company stand out and leave a lasting impression on your customers.

Visual impressions that build your brand

The appearance of packaging plays a crucial role in brand building, especially in B2B where large volumes of goods are handled. By using branded packaging with clear visual elements such as logos, colors, and slogans, you can increase brand recognition and create a consistent experience for your customers.


At Boxon, we offer printing solutions with high-quality graphics – from simple logos to complex designs. We can brand everything from cartons and tape to plastic film, maximizing your brand's visibility throughout the supply chain.



When the inside is as important as the outside

Printing on corrugated boxes is one of the most popular branding solutions, as corrugated cardboard is one of the most widely used packaging materials. By printing both the inside and outside of the box, you can enhance the customer experience.

For example, a simple, sleek box with the logo printed inside the lid can surprise the recipient and create a premium impression.

This type of double branding helps your brand stand out, whether the box is used in e-commerce or logistics.


Success stories: How others have succeeded with Branded Packaging

Many B2B companies have already seen great benefits from using branded packaging, where Boxon has helped develop custom solutions that both protect the product and strengthen brand recognition. In e-commerce and logistics, for example, branded packaging with clear branding has not only increased customer recognition but also built stronger trust in the company.

Customer Case: Learn how we helped Vårdväskan strengthen its brand by changing its visual expression.

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E-commerce bags Vårdväskan

Branding for security and quality

Branded packaging not only offers visual advantages – it also has practical security benefits. Stretch film with your company's branding can indicate if a pallet has been tampered with, and printed tape with a company logo can serve as both theft protection and an information carrier. This allows you to combine brand visibility with higher security and quality protection.



Technical solutions that maximize impact

With today's advanced technology, it is possible to print on most materials, from cardboard to plastic. By using special coatings, such as matte or gloss, both text and image are protected while enhancing visual elements. Printing methods like offset printing also provide high precision and color reproduction, ensuring that your brand appears in the best possible way – regardless of material.

Feel free to read more about printing technology in a separate blog post.


Read more about printing techniques
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Boxon's complete solution for branded packaging

Branded packaging is a long-term investment that strengthens your brand and creates a more professional and cohesive customer experience. At Boxon, we offer flexible and sustainable printing solutions that help your company integrate its visual elements into all types of packaging.

Want to know more about how Boxon can help your company with branded packaging? Contact us today to create a custom solution that increases your brand visibility.



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