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Complete Range
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Wide Knowledge
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Value Adding Focus
Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.
Complete Range
Wide Knowledge
Value Adding Focus
Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.

Vitamin Well AB

Vitamin Well AB is a Swedish producer of tastier and healthier beverages, snacks, and protein products. Their products are sold in over 40 countries worldwide under the brands Vitamin Well, NOCCO, Barebells, NOBE Aloe Vera, and Smiling. In recent years, the company has noticed a growing commitment to sustainability among consumers, retailers, and employees.

In recent years, the company has made significant progress, including ensuring that all bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic.

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Vitamin Well requires different models and sizes of store displays and trays, tailored for various purposes. These include everything from full pallet displays for beverages and other products to smaller checkout displays and other custom-made exposure units. At Boxon, we also supply campaign materials and specially designed display stands for specific occasions and events.



Vitamin Well - Driving sustainability through collaborative innovation

Previously, Vitamin Well used various suppliers for both their transport packaging and store displays. Production and warehousing were located in several geographically different places, which did not align with the company's strong commitment to the environment and sustainability. As the company has advanced its sustainability efforts, its demand for detailed emissions data has also increased.

Valuable advantages through warehousing and production in Sweden

Vitamin Well chose to work with Boxon as a partner because of our strong commitment to sustainability, which is externally verified through Boxon’s EcoVadis Gold rating. Other important factors include that we at Boxon measure the carbon footprint from production to waste (cradle to grave) and offer 100% recycled, FSC-certified corrugated cardboard for transport packaging.

To increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact, production has been centralized in southern Sweden. This has resulted in a significant reduction in transport-related CO2 emissions by 32.8% compared to before, when production was in factories in central Sweden. Warehousing is now also provided in Sweden, which is a major plus.



Vitamin Well needs a sustainable supplier that meets strict standards for carbon emissions throughout the product's life cycle.

Johan Haeger, Sustainability Manager at Vitamin Well:

quote_37x26.png  For us, it is becoming increasingly important to collaborate with partners who can support the mapping of our climate footprint. Not least because we are currently undertaking a major effort to prepare for CSRD, the EU’s new directive on sustainability reporting. I look forward to continuing to streamline and reduce our footprint per sale together with partners like Boxon."

quote_37x26.png It is very exciting to work with a customer who has ambitious sustainability goals. They have clear and high sustainability demands on us as a business partner, which fits perfectly with our agenda for people and the planet. This collaboration shows the strength of companies coming together to drive positive change and environmental responsibility," comments Gustaf Carlsten, Account Manager at Boxon.


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