We know and understand our customers' particular quality requirements and set ourselves the highest standards for quality assurance. We ensure adherence to these standards both for quality and the environment via certified management systems.
Therefore, we continuously review our processes and monitor relevant indicators. We are certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, to ensure that we consistently meet and optimise our high quality requirements.
Our environmental management system is certified in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015.
Each product is different, but all are valuable in their own way. That’s why we also set completely different requirements for what criteria each type of product packaging must fulfill. What they all have in common is the stringent quality requirements that Boxon applies without exception to all our packaging solutions. In particular, one cannot compromise in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.
We know and understand the specific quality requirements of our international customers, and set the highest quality assurance standards for ourselves:
You can download our REACH and RoHS declarations here. The declarations are in English. Please contact the procurement and supply manager patrick.fernandes@boxon.com if you would like to receive the declarations in Swedish.