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Complete Range
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Wide Knowledge
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Value Adding Focus
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Complete Range
Wide Knowledge
Value Adding Focus
Icon / Unknown / shopping-cartCreated with Sketch.

Boxon Awarded EcoVadis Platinum!

We are incredibly proud to have achieved the highest ranking in EcoVadis this year! Boxon has been awarded the prestigious Platinum medal, placing us among the top 1% of companies worldwide evaluated by EcoVadis over the past 12 months. With a total score of 81 out of 100, we rank in the 99th percentile – a strong testament to our long-term commitment to sustainability.

The Path to Platinum – Our Sustainability in Action

According to EcoVadis, our score has improved since the last assessment, thanks to the implementation of additional sustainability measures and the provision of new certifications. Boxon has developed an advanced sustainability management system covering all four areas evaluated by EcoVadis:

  • Environmental impact
  • Labor and human rights
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable procurement

In addition, no issues were identified in third-party risk and compliance databases, further reinforcing our commitment to responsible business practices.


A Shared Success

This recognition is a testament to our long-term commitment to sustainability and our ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable future for our customers and society.

A big THANK YOU to our employees and partners who made this possible! Together, we will continue to work towards an even more sustainable future.

About EcoVadis

EcoVadis is a globally recognized platform that evaluates corporate sustainability across four key areas: environmental impact, labor and human rights, ethics, and procurement practices.


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